Senior Graphic Designer

4 min readAug 29, 2023


Design Leadership and Strategy:

  • Conceptualise, design, and deliver captivating visuals for diverse digital marketing campaigns, ensuring alignment with campaign goals.
    Collaborate closely with internal teams, including sales and marketing, to comprehend design requirements and objectives, while guiding accurate client briefs.
  • Provide clear direction to the sales and account management teams regarding client briefs, guiding them on the right questions to ask and assisting in crafting effective messages.
    Conduct in-depth research into target audiences, competitors, and market trends to inform the design process and ensure strategic alignment.

Design Execution and Innovation:

  • Lead the entire design process, from initial concept to final execution, maintaining brand consistency and upholding creative excellence.
  • Develop inventive design solutions that not only convey client messages effectively but also resonate powerfully with the intended target audiences.

Packaging Design and Presentation:

  • Create compelling packaging designs that not only protect products but also communicate the brand’s essence.
  • Craft engaging presentation designs that effectively convey complex information, ensuring clear communication and visual impact.

Video Animation:

  • Design and produce captivating video animations to enhance digital marketing campaigns.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to script, storyboard, animate, and edit videos that align with campaign objectives.
  • Incorporate animation techniques and visual effects to create engaging and dynamic content.

Photography and Image Editing:

  • Capture high-quality photographs aligned with clients’ vision and campaign objectives.
  • Edit and enhance photographs using advanced image editing software to achieve desired aesthetics.
  • Optimise images for digital marketing use, considering factors like resolution, file format, and loading speed.
  • Ensure consistency in visual style across all photographic content produced for campaigns.
  • Manage multiple design projects simultaneously, balancing priorities and ensuring timely delivery.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including copywriters, marketers, and clients, to align design with overall campaign goals.
  • Maintain organised files and documentation for easy project tracking and future reference.
  • Presenting design concepts and gathering feedback for refinement.
  • Handle revisions and iterations efficiently while meeting project deadlines.
  • Proactively seek opportunities to enhance design processes and workflow efficiencies.
  • Participate in creative brainstorming sessions to contribute fresh ideas and perspectives.
  • Conduct self-assessment and seek feedback to continually refine design skills and techniques.

Billboard Artwork Management:

  • Schedule and plan billboard artwork production, considering campaign timelines and deadlines.
  • Design captivating billboard visuals that capture the essence of the client’s message and brand identity.
  • Resize and adapt designs to fit various billboard formats while maintaining visual impact.
  • Monitor and address any changes or revisions required for billboard designs based on client feedback.

General IT Support:

  • Provide technical assistance to office staff for various IT-related issues.
  • Troubleshoot computer hardware and software problems, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Set up and configure computers, printers, and other office equipment.
  • Assist with software installations and updates, ensuring systems are up-to-date and secure.
  • Erase data and prepare laptops for new starters, ensuring they have the necessary tools and access.

Billboard Maintenance and Support:

  • Utilise the TeamViewer program to remotely diagnose and resolve issues with billboards.
  • Collaborate closely with engineers to effectively address technical problems and malfunctions in billboards.
  • Execute manual resets on billboards when necessary to restore optimal functionality.

Manage Artwork and Scheduling:

  • Review the calendar to identify upcoming requirements and upload the necessary artwork onto the designated platform for the upcoming day’s campaigns.
  • Organise graphics by saving them with appropriate filenames, including the go-live date, for easy tracking and management.
  • Validate that all graphics adhere to the correct dimensions and jpg format; perform resizing tasks as needed.
  • Ensure accurate scheduling of all artworks, aligning with campaign timelines and objectives.
  • Verify that the scheduling of graphics precisely aligns with the booking calendar to ensure flawless execution.
  • Collaborate proactively with the Sales team to procure required artwork ahead of time, and subsequently, meticulously prepare the graphics.

CCTV Camera Management:

  • Contact engineers to troubleshoot and repair issues with CCTV cameras.
  • Reset CCTV cameras manually to resolve technical glitches and maintain surveillance coverage.
  • Conduct routine checks on CCTV camera systems to ensure proper functioning.
  • Provide technical support for accessing and reviewing CCTV footage when needed.
  • Technical Problem Resolution:
    - Identify and diagnose technical problems efficiently, whether related to IT equipment, billboards, or CCTV systems.
    - Collaborate with colleagues and external partners to resolve complex technical issues.
    - Maintain records of technical problems, solutions implemented, and preventive measures taken.
    Communication and Collaboration:
    - Liaise with engineers to facilitate the repair and maintenance of billboards and CCTV cameras.
    - Communicate effectively with colleagues to understand and address their IT needs.
    - Update relevant stakeholders on the status of IT and maintenance tasks.

Manual Repairs and Troubleshooting:

  • Perform hands-on maintenance tasks for billboards and CCTV cameras as required.
  • Execute manual resets and basic repairs to restore functionality promptly.
  • Apply technical knowledge to identify and rectify issues in a timely manner.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in IT and maintenance practices.
  • Propose and implement process improvements to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Proactively seek opportunities to enhance the performance and reliability of IT systems, billboards, and cameras.

To find out more or apply, please email




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